Dental plan for children: how to protect their teeth?

Dental plan for children: how to protect their teeth?

Protecting children's teeth is one of the most important tasks for parents, because healthy teeth are the basis of a child's health and well-being. Proper dental care from an early age helps not only to maintain teeth, but also to form healthy habits that will be useful throughout your life. In this blog, we will discuss some important tips for protecting children's teeth and a dental plan to help you take care of your child's teeth.

1. Start at an early age

Dental care is necessary as soon as the baby's first teeth appear. When the first tooth erupts, start cleaning the teeth with a small brush and water. The use of toothpaste, in a very small amount, is recommended from the age of 2-3 years, which will not harm the child by swallowing.

2. Proper nutrition and less sugar

Child nutrition plays an important role in the health of the teeth. High sugar content in foods and drinks is one of the main factors that cause tooth decay. Reduce the consumption of sweets, carbonated drinks and sugary foods. Also, offer your child healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy products that contain calcium and vitamin D, which help strengthen teeth and bones.

3. Periodic dental check-ups

Do not wait for the onset of caries to take your child to the dentist. It is necessary to visit the dentist from a young age, preventive measures accustom the child to the dentist and the environment. Simple manipulations, such as looking at the mouth with a mirror or brushing the teeth with a rotating brush, dispel the child's fear of other manipulations. Also, a preventive visit once every 6 months in order to provide timely treatment at the initial stage.

4. Regular and correct teeth brushing

Teach your child how to brush his teeth properly. When the first tooth is cut, get used to the routine of brushing teeth, twice a day, in the morning (upon waking up) and in the evening (just before birth). with your help. When they can hold a brush, let them brush first and then you brush, using a soft baby brush and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. Help children up to 7-8 years old to make sure they are brushing properly and thoroughly.

5. Use of fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral that helps strengthen teeth and reduce the risk of tooth decay. Use fluoride toothpaste that is appropriate for the child's age. Your dentist may also recommend additional sources of fluoride, such as fluoride varnish or other products.

6. Make a dental routine a habit

Most children get into the habit of brushing their teeth in the morning and in the evening if they find the process enjoyable. Try to make brushing your teeth a fun activity. You can also watch cartoons where their favorite characters take care of their mouths.


Regular dental care for children, starting from an early age, building good habits, eating well and regular visits to the dentist are essential to protect your child's dental health. Remember that healthy teeth improve the quality of a child's life and will be useful to him throughout his life.

Follow these tips and you will be able to ensure your child's healthy smile for many years